Guide (for executives and owners)

A guide that informs on the latest technological methods, updated knowledge of the latest trends regarding on-site sales, tools in the field of retail, as well as on how to select the most suitable ones according to business’ needs.  

The implementation of the Guide is expected to result in well informed retail business owners and executives, who will be briefed about the correct information from those that are available out there, and they will also be able to distinguish those that fit their needs the best.  


e-Learning course (for employees)

A course about the successful implementation of methods and tools that aim at increasing both digital and on-site sales, where in each module employees will get their hands on different categories of methods and tools. 

Through the availability of this course, retail companies and VET institutions will have well and up-to-date informed trainers on both digital and on-site methods and tools, who will be able to train commercial retail employees, regardless of the skillset of the latter.


Training (for VET & Company Trainers)

A training that will revolve around the successful teaching of the most effective digital and physical tools and methods in retail.  

Through the availability of this course, retail companies and VET institutions will have well and up-to-date trainers informed on both digital and on-site methods and tools, who will be able to train commercial retail employees, regardless of the skillset of the latter. 

About RetRail

RetRail is a transnational project which teaches small retail businesses to keep up with technological evolution and new consumer trends, making them more competitive in an ever-changing market. 

The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents that reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
